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Sun 14th Jul 2024 10:30 Sunday Service Ephesians 6:10-20 The Spiritual Battle The Helmet of Salvation Colin Mumford
Sun 23rd Jun 2024 10:30 Sunday Service Romans 12:9-21 The Spiritual Battle Battle Ready 6: Develop your faith Richard Caldwell
Sun 16th Jun 2024 10:30 Sunday Service Acts 2:1-21 The Spiritual Battle Battle Ready 5: Be led by the Holy Spirit Analice MinĂ¡-Collyer
Sun 09th Jun 2024 10:30 Sunday Service Isaiah 58 The Spiritual Battle Battle Ready 4: Pray and Fast Roger & Isha Hulford
Sun 02nd Jun 2024 10:30 Sunday Service 1 Sam 17 The Spiritual Battle Battle Ready 3: Stop fearing, cultivate confidence Ruth Burkinshaw
Sun 19th May 2024 10:30 Sunday Service Eph 4:17-32 The Spiritual Battle Battle Ready 2: Get sin out of your life David W
Sun 05th May 2024 10:30 Sunday Service Deut 6:1-9 The Spiritual Battle Battle Ready 1: Love God Roger Pearce
Sun 28th Apr 2024 10:30 Sunday Service Eph 6:10-12 The Spiritual Battle Hidden in Plain Sight Jung Reggio

HINT: Try searching for part of a speaker's name, bible reference or series title.
